If you are not familiar with the term, value proposition, don't worry. If you have an existing business you will understand faster. For those constructing and testing a business idea, this will help get your mindset on track.

Entrepreneurship is about one thing. Your customer, client, or consumer. Providing them a quality product or service will keep your business running. Think of the "value proposition" as the headline to your business. It spells out the who, what, and how of your operation. The good people of Strategyzer made a 'fill-in-the-blank' template to help. LIFEWORK redesigned it to make it simple to use. As you can see, we also repurposed it to refine your elevator pitch. 

Try it! This exercise will provide you insight on your clientele, your product, and your market. Even established entrepreneurs need to revisit the core elements of their business. Feel free to reach out to us for follow-up questions.
